When it comes right down to it, what you want from your blog post is to be memorable. You want it to help people on such a level that your readers simply can't help but take the action you recommend.
A great piece of content cannot be created by just winging it. Use the following ways below to make your creation unique, so that it is as good as it possibly can be when you hit publish.
1. Brainstorm
Before you can publish any kind of content online, awesome or horrible, you need to have a topic! Remember the more innovative, unique, challenging or valuable your blog topic is, the better it will perform.
2. Rough Outline
Sketch together a rough outline. If you don't usually use outlines, don't worry, this can be very rough and "by the seat of your pants". Any blog post that provides incredibel value is going to have a lot of individual pieces, and this is where your outline helps.
3. Fill Outline Sections with Ideas
Now make a rough outline for each section of your rough outline. In other words, jot down some ideas, data, problems, solutions, subsections and information that will fill each section of your outline. Again, don't worry about grammar or structure here. This is just to give you some direction when you create your first draft. Speaking of which, now it is time for your...
4... First Draft
Take all the information contained in your rough outline and write the first draft of your post.
5. Format
Add bullet points, lists, bold and underlined text, italics, graphics and videos Break up your text, and make it easy to read.
6. Edit, And Write Your 2nd Draft
Only do this after walking away from your project for at least 24 hours. You'll be amazed at the errors and opportunities you will find.
7. Read Out Loud, and Ask for Help
This is a professional copywriter's trick that works wonders for your copy. Read your post out loud. You will find problems with the flow of your content that are not always revealed when you read it silently. Also, get a friend or family member to read the post, and ask them for their honest input.
8. Final Edit and Rewrite, Then Publish
Make a final edit. Take out every word or sentence that doesn't belong or doesn't sound right. Perform your final rewrite, then click publish.
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